Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Naomi Campbell's Journey to Sobriety celebrity profile Jul 25, 2024

Iconic supermodel Naomi Campbell has a powerful story of overcoming addiction, marked by personal resolve and a commitment to change. Campbell's struggles began during her fast rise as a fashion...

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What's Holding You Back? boundaries Jul 24, 2024

You stand at the precipice of change, a journey of self-improvement and sobriety that beckons with promise and challenge. This path requires courage, commitment, and resilience, which you possess....

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The Beauty of Sobriety sober life Jul 23, 2024

Sobriety is a beautiful place. I’ve been here a while and love it, but there was a time when I thought drinking was an incredible experience. I would sip on a drink and think,...

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Alcohol's Impact On Sleep health Jul 22, 2024

Sleep – that magical restorative process we love but often don't get enough of. We're told to aim for 7 to 8 hours a night, but why? During sleep, our body repairs itself, our brain...

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How To Find A Higher Power spirituality Jul 21, 2024

I get if you have an issue with the “higher power” concept. But It’s necessary to have a higher power to understand our place in the universe: we aren’t almighty, and the...

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"Death, Insanity, or Recovery" treatment Jul 20, 2024

Unfortunately, continued addiction rarely has a happy ending. “Death, Insanity, Or Recovery” is used to emphasize the seriousness of addiction and the importance of choosing recovery....

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How To Embrace Today one day at a time Jul 19, 2024

Embrace the moment by looking around and realizing what you’re grateful for. I see birds flying, squirrels darting across the yard, and a warm fireplace - I’m thankful for these things....

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Helping Others to Help Yourself road to sobriety Jul 18, 2024

If you want to feel better, help someone else.  Part of fulfilling our purpose is through service and helping others.

Years ago, I volunteered at a food kitchen. Each week, I saw the same...

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Sober Celebrity: Angelina Jolie celebrity profile Jul 17, 2024

Angelina Jolie has been open about her past struggles with substances, particularly in her earlier years. Jolie has spoken about her experimentation with drugs, describing this period as a time of...

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The Strength of the Struggle road to sobriety Jul 16, 2024

Your journey through sobriety is a testament to your resilience. Keep going; you are stronger than you think.


Struggle was part of my story until I took things seriously and worked a sober...

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The Serenity Prayer spirituality Jul 15, 2024

The Serenity prayer, in various forms, has been adopted and popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other twelve-step programs since the 1940s. It’s a widely recognized prayer that seeks...

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Dealing with Addiction Cravings triggers Jul 14, 2024

Cravings are like those annoying computer pop-ups that steal attention when we’re trying to stay focused. If I click one of the pop-ups, the next thing I know, my mind is diverted, and...

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The Importance of Fellowship with Others relationships Jul 13, 2024

Realize you’re not alone. Millions of people are currently trying to kick a bad habit. Early in sobriety, it was hard for me to connect with others. It might have been my ego or pride, but I...

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Reason For Not Quitting Addiction: Lack Of Resources rehab Jul 12, 2024

Resources refer to various programs available to assist in overcoming addiction. These resources provide guidance, support, and treatment for those struggling.

Essential Resources for Sobriety:

  1. ...
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Reflect On Your Progress addictive behaviors Jul 11, 2024

Let’s consider the case of Evan, a  35-year-old software engineer. He had been struggling with alcohol addiction for several years when I met him. His addiction started as social...

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"Actions Speak Louder Than Words" sober expressions/sayings Jul 10, 2024

What you do is more important than what you say.

During my first year of sobriety, I met with my sponsor once a week, usually on Thursdays. On one occasion, we sat down at a coffee shop, and he...

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Reflection on Personal Values personal inventory Jul 09, 2024

Reflect on core values. Aligning actions with values leads to a more authentic life.

Sometimes, sobriety can be overwhelming. We don’t know which way to go or what to believe. Having a plan...

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Alcohol's Impact on the Liver health Jul 08, 2024

The liver performs many crucial bodily functions. One of its leading roles is processing and filtering substances that enter our bloodstream, including alcohol. It's like your body's ultimate...

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Connect With The Universe spirituality Jul 07, 2024

Part of healthy sobriety is appreciating simplicity and the value of small things. For instance, tonight, go outside and look up. What do you see? Hopefully, stars—astronomical objects full...

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Healing From Amends amends Jul 06, 2024

Repeat affirmations that focus on the healing power of making direct amends.

Making things right with people is a two-way street of healing. For the person giving amends, it's a profound act that...

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Sober Celebrity: Samuel L. Jackson celebrity profile Jul 05, 2024

Samuel L. Jackson's struggle began early, and he openly discussed his addiction to heroin and later cocaine in the 1980s, often using substances as a coping mechanism for climbing the Hollywood...

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Letting Go Of Control one day at a time Jul 04, 2024

Release the need to control every aspect of your life. Letting go is the gateway to freedom. I had to let go of control to find my powers because my control resulted in addiction, jail time, stints...

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Gratitude For Growth gratitude Jul 03, 2024

Getting sober and turning over a new leaf is hitting the reset button on life. It’s important to express gratitude for this fresh start. Even if you’re not where you want to be, the...

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The Functioning Alcoholic (Is Dangerous) addictive behaviors Jul 02, 2024

A functioning alcoholic is someone who manages to maintain their daily life – work, relationships, responsibilities – while regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol (or their drug...

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