Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

"I'll Fail Eventually" Aug 30, 2024

If you think you’ll fail, you probably will, and if you think you’ll succeed, you likely will. Our mindset plays a huge role in sobriety because things aren’t always easy. ...

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Build Your Discipline Aug 29, 2024

Be disciplined with your thoughts.

Discipline is not merely about adhering to rules or maintaining a routine; it is the very foundation of metamorphosis. Sobriety, at its core, is a renaissance, a...

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Reflect on Humility Aug 28, 2024

Reflect on humility. Humility counters many defects and opens the door to continuous improvement.

Humility, often misunderstood, is powerful; it’s not about thinking less of yourself but...

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Identify Unhealthy Relationships Aug 27, 2024

Living a sober life means, unfortunately, to let go of many past relationships. You’ll need to depart with those who contributed to the destruction of substance abuse and addictive behaviors....

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Surrender Control Aug 26, 2024

Surrendering control can be liberating. Sometimes, I hear about fugitives on the run who get caught, and they talk about how relieved they were to be captured. Perhaps this type of surrender is...

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Who Was Bill W. of Alcoholics Anonymous? Aug 25, 2024

Bill W., known as William Griffith Wilson, was a man who left an indelible mark on the world through his role in founding Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Born November 26, 1895, in East Dorset, Vermont,...

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"And Then What (Will You Do)?" Aug 24, 2024

“And Then What?” is a phrase I coined to keep me in check. It’s a question I would ask myself before acting out on urges. By applying the expression to situations, I could make...

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Check Your Attitude Aug 23, 2024

You can achieve anything; the only thing that holds you back is attitude.

Having the right attitude is crucial for sobriety. A story that illustrates this is about John, a man I met in recovery who...

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Alcohol Is Poison Aug 22, 2024

Alcohol is poison for the body. No matter how much you drink, realize you’re poisoning your cells, brain, and tissues. Science explains that poisons cause harm or death when introduced into...

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What Is Your Spiritual Intention? Aug 21, 2024

Believing in something (your principles) and having intentions with those beliefs is essential. It serves no value to feel something just because you think you should. How are your intentions...

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"Just One (Drink) Won't Hurt" Aug 20, 2024

“Just One Won’t Hurt” is a classic expression where someone thinks they can handle one drink without spiraling back into full-blown use, but if you play with fire, you’ll...

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Find New Hobbies in Sobriety Aug 19, 2024

One of my golfing buddies, Clarence, struggled with sobriety. His life, once filled with social gatherings and late nights at the bar, was a cycle of relapses. He felt stuck, and every attempt to...

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Leave The Past Behind (Acceptance) Aug 18, 2024

What’s done is done, and what happens going forward is a choice. It's natural to look back at the disruption and feel disappointed. We can't rewrite history, but we can author our future.


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How To Celebrate Birthdays (Sober) Aug 17, 2024

 Celebrating while sober can be a challenge. However, enjoying celebrations without compromising your values is possible with the right strategy. First, assess your comfort level. If you...

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Embrace Your Transformation Aug 16, 2024

Sobriety isn't leaving something behind; it's moving towards a new, vibrant version of yourself.

To convince someone that sobriety can be more enjoyable than their wild, addiction-fueled days, we...

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Sober Celebrity: Fergie Aug 15, 2024

The acclaimed Black Eyed Peas singer, Fergie, struggle with drugs, particularly crystal meth, began before she achieved fame. She has spoken candidly about how addiction took hold early in her life...

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Mental Health and Addiction Connection Aug 14, 2024

The link between addiction and mental health is complex, like a two-way street where each can influence the other. A person struggling with mental health may turn to a substance as a coping...

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Surround Yourself with Positivity Aug 13, 2024

Being around positive people can reinforce positive behaviors.

Positive folks’ model constructive behaviors, such as healthy habits, optimism, and perseverance, which can be infectious and...

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You Can't Make Someone Quit (Addiction) Aug 12, 2024

Nobody could make me change. I had to want it myself, and when I decided to get sober, I was alone - just me and my thoughts. There was no influence or suggestion, but I knew the time was right....

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Identifying Patterns in Addiction Aug 11, 2024

People identify several patterns related to addiction. Recognizing these patterns is crucial, as it helps in understanding the triggers and behaviors associated with substance use. Some common...

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"It's Simple For Complicated People" Aug 10, 2024

As they say, “It’s easier to stay sober than to get sober.”

People live through massive amounts of chaos. They continually stress themselves out and repeatedly fix the damage....

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Acknowledging Your Impact on Others Aug 09, 2024

Consider the transformative power of your actions. This awareness not only fosters empathy but also has the potential to reshape your character. With empathy, you begin to develop a conscience,...

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Alcohol's Impact on the Heart Aug 08, 2024

The heart is a tireless engine, working 24/7 to pump life-giving blood throughout our body. This blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to every cell, keeping us alive and kicking. Now,...

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7 Positive Affirmations for Sobriety Aug 07, 2024

Affirmations shape your mindset. Here are a few positive affirmations that may be healthy to learn. Practice and repeat the ones that work for you:

"I am on a journey of transformation, and I...

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