Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Are You Ready To Change TODAY? Sep 24, 2024

Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today.

The time to make a change is now, not tomorrow. There is no such thing as the past or future. If you disagree, look around, where is the past?...

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Read and Reflect Sep 23, 2024

Spend time reading and reflecting on inspirational stories.

People don’t read much anymore, which is a shame. Between weighty responsibilities, digital devices, and the accessibility of...

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"It's A Special Occassion" (To Use Substances) Sep 23, 2024

You can’t bargain with addiction. Thinking you can control your drinking or using by limiting usage to certain “safe” situations is dangerous. This overconfidence can lead to a...

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Higher Power = Inspiration Sep 21, 2024

Discovering a higher power ignites a profound source of inspiration.

When we embark on the journey of finding a higher power, we tap into a wellspring of belief that propels us forward along our...

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How To Stop Bad Habits Sep 19, 2024

Some people consider the casual use of a substance to be a bad habit, but for many people, it develops into a full-blown disease. Habit or addiction, it’s time to get things in check. Here...

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Admit When You're Wrong Sep 18, 2024

The best way to show humility, self-awareness, and resilience is by showing your mistakes.

Admitting we’re wrong is a challenging but crucial step in personal growth. This difficulty stems...

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Stay Hopeful Sep 17, 2024

Maintain an optimistic outlook for the future.

Hope can be hard to maintain, especially when making significant changes. The inner voice whispers, "Things can get better," even when the present...

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Focus On Today Only Sep 16, 2024

The path to sobriety is one day at a time. Let’s do a “Day in the Life” for Rachel, a teacher:

**Morning - Setting the Tone for the Day: **

Rachel starts her day with a ritual to...

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Sober Celebrity: Brett Favre Sep 15, 2024

 Brett Favre is a legendary NFL quarterback who also battled addiction for many years. Favre's struggle began with a dependency on painkillers, a common hazard for athletes dealing with...

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Be Careful Of Your Environments Sep 14, 2024

Our environment plays a massive role in shaping our decisions. If you’re on a diet but hang out at the candy store, you’ll probably eat candy at some point. For someone battling...

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Self-Reflection Through Meditation Sep 14, 2024

 Practice a reflective meditation. Allow your thoughts to surface, observing them without judgment. I used to do a meditation that was a stream of consciousness. I’ll call it “Just...

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Fear of Relapse Sep 12, 2024

Fear of relapse is rooted in uncertainty about the future. This fear often stems from self-doubt and the daunting prospect of starting over again. People fear relapse because it feels like a...

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Uncovering Your Denial Sep 11, 2024

Denial is like noise-canceling headphones: you can’t hear or pay attention to what’s happening around you. This doesn’t mean it’s not happening; you ignore it. But blocking...

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The Saying, "Act As If..." Sep 10, 2024

Adopt the behaviors and mindset of the person you aspire to be.

Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said, “Act as if you are, and you will become such.” Putting thoughts behind actions achieves...

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Cultivating Forgiveness Sep 09, 2024

Work on forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

I took my young kids to see “The Christmas Carol” this past holiday. In the story, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his past, draped in...

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How Alcohol Addiction Impacts Cancer Sep 08, 2024

Cancer is out-of-control cell division. Usually, cells grow, divide, and die in an orderly fashion. But in cancer, something goes wrong. These cells grow uncontrollably, forming tumors or spreading...

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A Meditation For You Sep 07, 2024

Take your time reading the meditations below. Rushing through defeats the entire point. Feel and embrace what the experience means to you.

Self-Compassion Meditation:

- Find a quiet and...

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A Matter of Discipline Sep 06, 2024

Addiction can feel like the walls are closing in, suffocating any hope for a better life. Yet, even in the darkest moments, a flicker of possibility exists—a glimmer of light beckoning you...

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Sober Celebrity Blake Lively Sep 05, 2024

Actress Blake Lively presents a unique perspective on sobriety. Unlike many narratives about recovery, Lively's decision to abstain from alcohol and drugs is not the result of a personal struggle....

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Focus on Adaptability Sep 04, 2024

If we stayed the same forever, life would be dull. However, knowing when to alter our behaviors is the key to mitigating harm to ourselves and others. Much of addiction is abuse to yourself. It...

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Lessons of Gratitude in Sobriety Sep 03, 2024

 Express gratitude for lessons learned. Every mistake is an opportunity for growth.

Mistakes, when viewed with an open mind, can be transformative. Consider a scenario where a work...

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Why You Shouldn't Drink and Drive Sep 02, 2024

Drinking and driving is a dangerous cocktail that leads to disastrous outcomes. I’m not proud of it, but I received 3 DUIs (within one year); luckily, I didn’t hurt myself or anyone...

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"This Too Shall Pass" Sep 01, 2024

Your current struggles are temporary and will pass.

Abraham Lincoln famously said, “This too shall pass,” applying the phrase to many situations. I use this expression to help people...

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Embrace Change Aug 31, 2024

View change as a positive and necessary part of growth.

Change pushes improvements because we think of solutions to problems and adapt to different situations. None of us has control over change...

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