Daily Sober Book

Hi, I'm Justin

I help break habits and addictions

The latest from Daily Sober:
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Naomi Campbell's Journey to Sobriety

Jul 25, 2024

What's Holding You Back?

Jul 25, 2024

The Beauty of Sobriety

Jul 24, 2024

Full Blog

I've Been There:

The deepest valleys...

The darkest depressions...

The feelings of inadequacy...

Until One Day...

I realized happiness was in my control; I could make better choices.

I became bigger than my addiction: the old "me" had to die for the new "me" to live. 


My Personal Story 

One day I looked in the mirror and realized I was the problem.


Coaching Plans

Work 1 on 1 with Justin

Unlimited Text Coaching/DMs


Coaching through Messaging

  • Unlimited text messaging
  • Voice notes
  • Instagram, WhatsApp, FB, etc
  • Communicate with Justin
  • Learn about your situation and challenges

Unlimited Text + Video Coaching


Let's add video

  • Everything in 'Unlimited Text Messaging' +
  • Video Messaging
  • Weekly Accountability Call

Your Personal Sober Coach


Sponsor and Mentorship

  • Text, Voice, Video Communication
  • Daily Encouragement
  • Actionable Plan
  • Justin as your mentor and sponsor
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Daily Sober Book

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

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4 TED Talks

Learn More
"Beat addiction by creating a better life in sobriety."
- Justin McClure

4X TEDx Talks

More about

Justin & Family

My family are Forbes Top Creators and I'm a four-time TED Talk Speaker. My family, the Mighty McClures (& McClure Kids), have amassed over 4 billion YouTube and Facebook views. With over 10 million followers across social platforms, we've been one of the most entertaining families since 2017.

But things didn't start peachy. Born and raised in rural Georgia, family trauma and neglect left me with an addiction that plagued me into my 30s. Within two years, I found myself broke and in jail a few times. Sick of my life, I eventually looked in the mirror and realized the problem was me.

I quit alcohol and substances, took it day by day, and got healthy.

My "success" story is based on vulnerability, humility, and acceptance of change.

I want to work with Justin
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They said it better

“Daily Sober is amazing! The daily consumable lessons are so easy to digest"

Tim - Entrepreneur, Oregon

Daily Sober Book

“90 Day Sober course was amazing! Instead of being lectured, I learned to understand my habits and enjoyed the his holistic approach to coaching.”

Jacob - Engineer, Texas

90 Day Sober Course

“I had reservations about sober coaching, but was proven wrong. My only regret is not starting sooner.”

Sandra - Yoga Instructor, Virginia

Sober Coaching

Substance Free Lifestyle

You're not alone. Changes are hard to do alone, so do it with others.
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